Plate Heat Exchanger Service
Technical specialists at Tranter Service Centers have the experience and know-how to repair or rebuild all brands of plate heat exchangers, either in our shops or in your facility.
Our expert teams safely clean both gasketed and welded exchangers and regasket plates, returning units to OEM condition and efficiency, with all work guaranteed by written warranties covering materials and workmanship.

That’s why we offer OEM quality replacement parts and service for all brands of plate heat exchangers(including Alfa Laval, APV, GEA, Sondex and others as well as Tranter, with genuine Tranter OEM replacement parts and service for all of our units.

Tranter Service Center field service crews are available at any time to restore your plate heat exchangers to nameplate condition. Whether serviced during a planned shutdown or on an emergency basis, your exchangers will benefit from OEM parts and service.